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North Mission Viejo Little League

North Mission Viejo Little League

Volunteer Opportunities

North Mission Viejo Little League is a 100% volunteer run organization and we require all families to volunteer to ensure an enriching, positive experience for all our participants.  Each season, a dedicated group of parents work tireless hours -  most while being fully employed elsewhere - to ensure each child has a rich & rewarding baseball experience. We are looking for enthusiastic and responsible parents/guardians/relatives who want to make a difference for the children in the league in the following roles:

  • MANAGER/HEAD COACH: Being a Manager requires time, patience, and a basic knowledge of the game.  You should be able to attend the majority of games and practices (as the Manager, you will be able to select your own practice slot).  You will communicate with the parents/guardians of your players to keep them informed on practice times and games. The Manager is the head coach and is ultimately responsible for the team. The manager drafts the team (AA and above will have an official "draft meeting;" Single A and below may email requests for specific players to the Player Agent), plans and runs the practices, coaches the team, and is the primary contact between the league and the team. If you would like to be a Manager, please complete online registration and additional information will be emailed to you. Sign up here

  • ASSISTANT COACH: An Assistant Coach primarily helps the Manager coach the team and run the practices and games. For AA and above divisions, the Manager can recruit as many coaches to assist during practice as needed, but there may only be two rostered Assistant Coaches with the Manager in the dugout during a game.  For Single A and below, we encourage several Assistant Coaches to be on the field to help direct and coach players during a game and one coach in the dugout for teams in offense to supervise players and enforce bat safety. If you would like to be an Assistant Coach, please complete online registration and additional information will be emailed to you. Sign up here
  • TEAM ADMIN: A Team Parent helps the Manager with communication and administrative matters relating to the team. This may include: picking up and distributing uniforms, coordinating volunteer schedules, collecting Angels Day ticket orders, picking up/distributing/collecting Picture Day order forms, and organizing team social events. The Team Parent will also ensure that all applicable trainings and background checks are completed for each volunteer at the beginning of the season. Attendance at a Team Parent meeting prior to the season start is required to obtain detailed information about this role. Sign up here
  • UMPIRE: Aside from calling balls or strikes, safe or out, umpires should be demanding good sportsmanship from all game participants. Umpires are also called upon to interpret rules (a knowledge of Little League Rule Book rules is crucial, and a copy of the current year Rule Book is available for download for $2) and help settle minor disputes that may occur during games. Umpires are used in the competitive divisions (AA and above) and most games have one field umpire and one plate umpire. We require every team, even in lower divisions (Tee Ball, Coach Pitch, and Single A) to fulfill umpire duties for AA and above division games. No previous experience necessary. Umpire training is provided by both NMVLL as well as District 68 and is required for any new/inexperienced umpires.  Sign up here

SPRING SEASON - All teams in AA and above divisions in NMVLL will be required to provide to NMVLL'S Umpire in Chief (“UIC”) a “team” of volunteer umpires to umpire each of the AA and above division games. 

FALL BALL - Teams will be required to provide umpires for their own games. Home team will provide the Plate umpire, and the Visitor team will provide the Base umpire. 

  • SNACK BAR *required: Assists the Snack Bar Manager with running the North Snack Bar. This can include taking orders from customers, filling orders, and/or running the grill. Each family is required to fulfill TWO (2) snack bar shifts per registered player (capped at four (4) snack bar shifts for families with two or more children playing in the league). For more information, please refer to our Snack Bar Requirement. 

  • EVENT HELPERThe league may from time to time request volunteers to help with events. 

Additionally, each team will need help with the following for each game: 

  • SCOREKEEPER/PITCH COUNTER: The home team for any competitive division (AA and above) game must provide a Scorekeeper and the visiting team must provide a Pitch Counter. The Scorekeeper uses provided scoresheets to keep track of balls, strikes, hits, plays, and the final score. The Pitch Counter simply keeps track of the number of pitches each pitcher throws on a provided sheet in order to help team managers maintain compliance with Little League’s maximum pitch count and required rest day rules. No previous experience necessary - training is offered by NMVLL.

  • FIELD PREP: The home team is responsible for prepping the field for a game. This includes watering, dragging, and chalking the field. The visiting team is responsible for field takedown (i.e. putting bases/equipment away). 


North Mission Viejo Little League
23052-H Alicia Pkwy Box 403 
Mission Viejo, California 92692

Email: [email protected]

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